The story begins back with the post I stuck up a couple of weeks ago about the BEILIS BLOOD LIBEL, where I was trying to unpack some of the Rav’s comments about it. You can go back and read that post HERE. To make the very long story short, a young Russian boy was found […]

‘Friendly fire’, and a bit more light in the darkness

In Israel, it's an 'open secret' that something very bad happened this week, that led to the deaths of so many soldiers when those buildings collapsed. By 'very bad', it's understood 'very corrupt and something stinks to high heaven'. They…

There is no more America

More hints from the Rav. Translated from Shivivei Or, 343. Now at this moment, we are now finding ourselves at the greatest moment of Parshat Bo. That now Parshat Bo is starting, ‘Come to Pharoah’ – because Hashem said to him that…

Masons, Monarchs and Maskilim

Well, the Rav’s comments about ‘Josef II’, the Holy Roman Emperor of Austria and brother of Marie Antoinette, led to some more massive bits of the ‘Frankist-Freemason’ puzzle falling into place. If you go to the ORDO AB CHAOS site…

Inside vs outside

Inside Israel now, more and more people are waking up that 'something' is not right here. That last horrible Gaza death trap, that killed 21 soldiers two days ago, is so obviously 'wrong', that even the so-called 'normies' are publically questioning…

Bring all our soldiers home, NOW

Another day, another 'accident' in Gaza. More than 20 killed, more than 20 wounded.... Tatty, we can't any more! Say whatever you want, but it's clear that the 'friendly fire accidents' in Gaza are killing and wounding way, way more of…

Six hours of peace

For the first time since October 8, 2023, I had the head-space to do six hours of hitbodedut. There were no big 'wow' insights, but I just am feeling SO much calmer then when I began, earlier this morning. The madness is going up levels…