The story begins back with the post I stuck up a couple of weeks ago about the BEILIS BLOOD LIBEL, where I was trying to unpack some of the Rav’s comments about it. You can go back and read that post HERE. To make the very long story short, a young Russian boy was found […]

Close encounters of a ‘normie’ kind

The last few weeks, I have been making a huge effort to get ‘offline’ more, and to do things in the real world. I joined a gym, I’m doing pilates, volunteering a little, once a week, and doing an art chug. All this means that I am…

George-Jacques Danton, the French Revolution, and more masons

This is the second part of the shiur on Gog and Magog. It often happens with the Rav that he goes off into something that looks like a total 'disconnect' from the initial subject at hand, but when you start researching things.... you learn…

The Rav: Gog and Magog will happen in 5784

Excerpt of a shiur given 6th Tevet, (Sunday December 17th, 2023) in Bat Yam So now, we are questioning a kooshia (difficulty or problem with understanding a particular point): How on Chanuka do we say ‘reshaim be’yad tzaddikim’ (the…

The death of the MSM

The YWN government propaganda site is in the middle of a new 'make-over'. I check it every couple of days, once, just to see what brand of 'government propaganda' is being put out to the one-and-a-half-retards who still believe the media. Maybe,…

What happened in Zikim?

A couple of weeks ago, I posted up some translated comments the Rav made about Zikim. You can see the full comments HERE. This is the bit to focus on, for this post: In Zikim, they didn’t enter in the first place. Because in Zikim,…

We know nothing

The last couple of days, I was getting all het-up about the fact that I have no idea what is really going on here. It's not so easy, to live in a state of constant confusion and stress and doubt - and this has been going on for more than three…