Entries by Rivka Levy

More comments from the Rav

The Rav has been speaking very strongly after davening, the last two nights. The singing has been very loud, his voice has been very ‘strong’ – it’s a good omen, because the Tzaddik HaDor reflects what’s going on with the people, and for months and months, the Rav has been sounding quite ‘weak’. But not […]

More stuff from the Rav

I would love to put more of the clues and hints of the Rav up, properly translated, but I just don’t have the time to do that at the moment. So, here is a paraphrased breakdown of the main points, from the Rav’s shiurim from a week ago. My own additional thoughts are in [square […]

Itzik HaKadosh

This is Itzik HaKadosh. It’s an audio clip of him speaking about his efforts to get closer to Hashem, shortly before he was murdered at that ‘Nature Party’ in Re’im, two weeks ago. ==== I got to know Itzik pretty well, 3-4 years ago, when he was spending a lot of time in my house […]

Prayers and Prophecy

This post is made up of snippets I got in my inbox today. Snippet 1: More prayers from the Rav describing exactly what is going on now, written many many years ago. (From HERE): In light of the war of the ‘Iron Swords’ currently occurring in the Holy Land, we are bringing a number of […]

Warships in Cheshvan

The following comments were made over four years ago. You can see them in the book Conversations – which Amazon has decided to start selling for $3.66…. If you are noticing numbers here, that’s interesting. ==== All the nations will gather against Israel Today, Moshe Rabbenu is being revealed, the 4th of Sivan. And Gog […]

The damage done by ‘geula’ blogs

You probably remember that a few long weeks ago, I posted up some stuff here about the importance of the Rav getting to Uman for 5784. If you don’t, there is a good translation of some of the warnings that R Shalom Arush and the kabbalist R Shlomo Elmaliach gave over TWO WEEKS BEFORE ROSH […]

Biden’s visit

Just got back from the Rav. He said Biden is only coming tomorrow to give Eretz Yisrael away to the Arabs. I.e. the ‘2 state solution’…. Does anyone honestly still have any doubt about who was behind what happened on Simchat Torah? And second, the Rav said that all the women’s tehillim are saving the […]

Amazing chizzuk from Rav Ofer Erez

Someone sent me this – it’s very good. It’s Rav Ofer Erez, from a day ago. He’s explaining that the main ‘war’ is inside of us, to keep coming back to emuna and bitachon, and to know that God is running the world, the whole world. He also talks about a lot of other things […]

A strong back

Today, I went to a local cafe that decided to reopen after a few closed days for a muffin. While I was there, the cafe owner – a nice, frum man from Mexico – was talking to his co-worker and explaining how last week he’d try to volunteer for the army, but they wouldn’t let […]